Author: Mirza Shehnaz

Shehnaz Ali Siddiqui is a Corporate Communications Expert by profession and writer by Passion. She has experience of many years in the same. Her educational background in Mass communication has given her a broad base from which to approach many topics. She enjoys writing around Public relations, Corporate communications, travel, entrepreneurship, insurance, and finance among others.

In Today’s world, every time you look around you there is an Indian woman with an entrepreneurial dream. Earlier, women use to stick with the home-based business but now the story is different. Nowadays, women are more visible and taking the complete responsibility of building a business. What is attracting women towards entrepreneurship? What they have to face? What are the different challenges? What will assist them to succeed? Does gender plays any role in the entrepreneur world? These are a few questions raised. According to a recent survey, below are a few things that come out and which will…

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The world of the startup is attracting every second person. Almost everyone has a dream of starting something of their own. However, people should be aware of the struggling journey to attain success. In the life of a budding entrepreneur, the most difficult thing is to raise funds from investors and convincing investors is not easy. Below are a few traits that an investor will look into your journey before signing a cheque. Discuss The Plan, Not About The Money While sitting around the table, you as an entrepreneur must we wondering how to start the discussion or begin the…

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Life is completely unpredictable. A sudden business loss, job loss, unexpected bills, car breakdown, theft and much more can cause you a lot if you are not ready. It may cause stress and can drain you both financially and mentally as well. This refers to be the most important reason to be ready with Emergency fund. Financial planners and experts of the industry always suggest having a contingency fund for every working individual. Keep some ready to use cash and use it in unexpected time will help you a lot for the successful growth. This will protect you from getting…

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There is no doubt in saying that sales play a vital role in business growth. To run a business successfully, you need to have a strong sales strategy that you can easily improve. As a manager of the sales team, you should make sure to build a culture that will be a mixture of motivation and emotional intelligence. It is highly important to make a relationship with the sales representatives and encourage them to be great leaders. The sale is an essential part of every business, but it’s a fact that it will be a challenging thing. It needs determination,…

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If you have an idea of your dream startup then it is completely great, but it will not get the required success until it reaches the target audience. Confused? Read below and find what you can do exactly. These days, almost every second person is planning to start his venture and with the availability of many resources easily it becomes quite easier as well. But all startup doesn’t work well as it requires lots of effort and innovation. But there are multiple ways that you can use to get the desired results. Below are the required simple steps that you…

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Multitalented efficient individuals contribute to the firm base of the workplace. Specialization in a particular domain is a common feature found in every second candidate joining a workplace. Unique Startup employees stand on the platform of startups. Being masters in themselves with the initiating attitude the employees rise and shine. The perspective keeps the team alive and functioning. Taking backseat like passengers rather than being a pilot is a negative approach. This attribute is the sole driving force in the startup employees which others should learn and accept. Also Read- Best Online Payroll Services in India There are endless things one…

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The world digital marketing is going to spread their wings in 2020 and will be multi channel as well. But to bring changes and conversions with digital marketing Below are a few strategies that will help you in increasing conversions when it comes to different digital channel to embrace your business. 1. Personalization is the new thing in the conversion rate optimization Known digital influencers shared a simple but powerful hack to revive unconverted leads. Always send personalised message to potential customers and their is a higher chance of getting response with the same. One you get the contact, send…

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CRM is a software that helps you in improving the relationship with the existing clients to retain them for the long term. Therefore is no doubt in saying that it will help in finding new prospects and winning back the old clients as well. You can do all of this with an effective Small Businesses CRM Software list. With the same software, you would be able to easily organize, collate and manage your client’s pertinent information. It also helps in improving customer relations, revenue and assists a lot in optimizing marketing efforts. There are several Small Businesses CRM Software available…

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Running a payroll seems to be a difficult and time-consuming task. To make the entire thing simple, more and more companies are going for online payroll services. There are multiple options to explore when it comes to online payroll services. However, after thorough research and analyzing many payroll services we picked out the best options for your ease. Boosting a startup may require a lot of attention and payroll is a very important part of the same. You have to use the right tools and manual power to execute the same properly. Below are a few of our top recommendations…

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Artificial Intelligence is basically an intelligence that is demonstrated by machines. It first comes out in the form of an academic discipline in the year 1956. The AI that we are using today is considered as narrow AI. This Narrow designed is designed in a way that can perform multiple tasks such as driving a car, conducting internet searches and much more. Also Read- 2 Indian-Origin Place Under Fortune’s 40 Under 40 List The future of AI is great and the best technique to eliminate the work that a few employees do regularly to maintain the flow of the business. It…

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