Author: Mirza Shehnaz

Shehnaz Ali Siddiqui is a Corporate Communications Expert by profession and writer by Passion. She has experience of many years in the same. Her educational background in Mass communication has given her a broad base from which to approach many topics. She enjoys writing around Public relations, Corporate communications, travel, entrepreneurship, insurance, and finance among others.

There are too many entrepreneurs out there in this world. But not every single one of them succeeds in the business world. Making the wrong decisions, listening to the wrong people. Making a good product is not enough. You have to know the marketing strategy and how to stay at the top? Because today, it’s really easy to overtake someone else, Where you know the dos and don’ts of the business world. “Starting your own business isn’t for everyone, but for the right people, it’s much better than climbing the corporate ladder…Brian O’Reilly Today I’m going to talk about “8…

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If you look at people throughout history that are considered great achievers like Leonardo Da Vinci, Mozart Napoleon or someone today like Virat Kohli, Elon Musk; the one thing that they all have in common is their ability to manage themselves. What this means is that because each one of us is different, we have to make sure that we completely understand ourselves and live our lives according to our strengths and not somebody else’s. This is the only way in which we can bring the most value possible to the world and have the best chances of success In…

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What Is a Start-up? As we know, a start-up is a new business, and every new business has something it offers to society either positive or negative. These start-ups, although they provide benefits most times, are not always accepted by the community or their potential customers. These entrepreneurs are most times desperate to try to get their audience or potential customers to the fullest possible because they must have either got a loan to begin the business or must have used up all of their savings to start it up and to keep it all running. As such they venture…

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INDIA is a country of opportunities. Every person in this country is busy in their world doing something. Generally, few people are very much interested to know about the market position of our country. The categories of his people are business professional, self-employed, freelancers and others who want to about the market for a knowledge purpose. INDIA’s market place is itself a versatile thing. It always changes day-by-day rapidly. The overall economy of the country depends on the market so the business of the people is dependable on it if you consider financially. This is a kind of cycle each…

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We are human beings. We have life and need to face death also we have a feeling. We feel relationships, bonds and we feel life. For all humans, life is a live thing. The human being is not an object that should be perfect from all 360 degrees. It’s not like that if you did a mistake you have to destroy yourself as we do for a non-living object. Like we do for many non-living that we used and after usage we through it. You can’t do this to any living object and or sure you are not perfect. In…

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“People say the customer is always right, but you know what……they’re not. Sometimes they are wrong and they need to be told so”. I know it firsthand because my dad owns a school and believe it or not today education runs like a business. Teachers are employees of that business and parents and students are your customers. Parents come over and argue with my dad over something they don’t even know the first thing about and they are mostly wrong. But you can’t upset a parent fear of losing them to your opponents. But guess what they are just not…

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Nowadays, almost every second person desire to be a successful entrepreneur. It is always exciting to fulfil your dreams, be your boss and creating wealth. There is no doubt in saying that he idea, content or the product cant provide the assured success. Success can be easily described by the qualities of the entrepreneur. Qualities of The Entrepreneur Being a salesman, is he/she understand the difference between price & value. Confident enough to say “I do not know” Eyes on the situation and checking what is missing and where are the gaps. Learn how to rewards and build a great…

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To grow high, a person has to start from small and if you want to rule every corner of the online market, you must start from small business online. There is a proper sequence that you have to follow to get guaranteed success in the future with your small business online. Step 1: Start A Business That Fills Basic Needs Many budding entrepreneurs make a mistake of looking at the product first and then for the market. To boost success you must look at the market first. The simple formula is to find a group of people who are looking…

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Facing a shortage of ideas for the website. Don’t worry its a common issue. Usually, every writer faces this issue once in a while but that doesn’t mean that your website will not come with new ideas or articles. No matter what there should be a continuous flow of articles to keep your readers/consumers updated. So how can you do this? The answer is to repurpose your existing content. Let’s learn how you can do the same. What do you understand by Content Repurposing? Content repurposing is a technique to reuse or recycle the existing content to create new posts…

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Fundraising refers to be a common thing in today’s startup ecosystem a startup keeps on rasing funding regularly. However, the actual problem comes into the picture after raising funding only. The startup has to understand that raising funding is not only a difficult task but to use such funds properly is also a tough thing. As a startup is all about starting a new journey and entering into the world of business, it is very important to spend some time learning new things, they should take mentors to help in every big decision. The proper use of funding can change…

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